LIS Software for Mobile Devices
It is absolutely essential that laboratories and other facilities that use Laboratory Information Systems (LIS) turn their backs on the systems of the past and move into the twenty-first century. Sure, LIS technology was good in the past however; the incredible advancement of LIS technology will soon leave those without newer LIS in the dust. LIS technology is meant to help make work in the lab easier and to improve the quality of the data. It only makes sense that an organization keeps up to date on the newest developments regarding LIS software. Not keeping up with new software will leave the door open for an organization’s competing facilities to steal the work right out from under them. LIS ABC offers state of the art mobile LIS software that will bring your company up to date and help it in the future.
New LIS Technology Works with Tablets
It seems that technology changes everyday hence; there are countless developers working day and night to improve the capabilities and features of LIS software. Improving the LIS technology that supports all of the data for labs is important to the advancement of many industries and research facilities. The newest LIS technology is mobile LIS software that is completely compatible with mobile devices such as iPads and Android tablets. LIS ABC provides corporations with top of the line LIS technology that will make their facilities run smoother and more efficiently.
iPad and Android Tablets Used with LIS Software
Traditionally, a lab or other facility’s employees needed to be sitting at their work stations in order to use LIS software to access and record important data. That was fine in the past however; we live in a day and age where nearly everyone uses one kind of mobile device or another daily. It makes perfect sense that users be able to access all of the information that they need from LIS software that is compatible with all tablets. LIS ABC is the premiere provider of mobile LIS software for iPads and Android tablets globally.
Newly Released Mobile LIS Software
LIS ABC has just launched innovative mobile Laboratory Information System (LIS) software. Selected labs have had the chance to experience this new mobile LIS software and the reviews have been stellar. The ability for users to connect to the LIS on their tablets has proven to increase productivity within the facility and in turn has raised profits. Call 800-834-8618 to learn more about LIS ABC’s mobile LIS technology and to get a free consultation with a LIS software expert.
Published: 19 Sep 2024Search this blog
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