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iPad Compatible LIS

It seems that no matter where you are, when you look around most people are communicating on one mobile device or another. Whether it’s an iPad, Android or other tablet, people are constantly on the devices. In fact, approximately seventy-three percent of people worldwide use some sort of a mobile device on a daily basis. When you think about this logically and consider the number of people who live in third world nations, seventy-three percent of the world’s population is a lot! It’s huge. It’s in a laboratory’s best interest to acquire a cloud LIS Software that is completely compatible with iPads. LIS ABC offers laboratories state of the art cloud LIS that work with a variety of mobile devices including iPads.

Cloud LIS That Work with Androids

Androids are becoming increasingly more popular. They can be less expensive than iPads but do nearly the same tasks. A LIS that supports Android use can be very beneficial to almost any laboratory facility. When a user has the ability to access data no matter where they are at the time, the facility becomes more productive. Let’s face it! The more productive the facility is, the more profitable it is. That’s what all businesses worry about, a healthy bottom line. LIS ABC providers labs with the highest quality LIS that are compatible with Androids and other mobile devices.

Tablets and Mobile LIS… A Perfect Pair

Tablets are part of the day to day lives of many people and this is a good thing for labs that have a quality LIS compatible with mobile devices. A mobile LIS Software that allows users to get the data they need right on their tablets can improve the productivity within your lab facility. Anytime a user needs to find out where a sample is or what tests have been done, they can pull up the information right on their tablets. A user with a tablet and a mobile LIS, increases the efficiency of the lab. LIS ABC can help make your lab facility more efficient than you ever imagines.

Cloud LIS Software for Improved Productivity

The right cloud LIS can drastically improve the productivity within the lab. Because the users can get the data they need right off of their Androids, iPads and other mobile devices, they will become much more efficient hence; increasing the overall productivity. Call 800-834-8618 to speak to a LIS ABC professional who can help you make your lab facility more efficient.

Published: 19 Aug 2024

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